THINK for Yourselves and Let Others Do the Same
Every year many books, both newly published and old favorites, are challenged in America's school systems and public libraries. The American Library Association (ALA) promotes Banned Book Week as a way to support our freedom to read. If people are not aware that many books are being banned from our public schools and libraries, they will not understand the importance of standing up for our right to read what we choose and to not allow others to make these choices for us and our children.
The Homer Community Library stands behind the ALA and their desire to protect your right to read. We will be "Celebrating Your Freedom to Read" by having a display of banned books (you might be surprised what's on the list!) along with our first all-age-group reading incentive. From now until the end of October, read a banned book and get your name entered in a drawing! We will have lists of banned books available but you can also go to the ALA website to find out more about recently challenged books.
Did you realize some school districts are even banning books that have not yet been written?!? The House of Night series by P.C. and Kristin Cast, a popular young adult series similar to the Twilight series, has been banned from one Texas school district - INCLUDING the books in the series that have not yet been written! There is no way the district could know the content of these books and yet they have been banned.
While in no way are we suggesting that every book is appropriate for every person or child, we are suggesting that it is the right of the person or a child's own parents, to decide what is appropriate for themselves. So... in accordance with this year's ALA theme, we are hoping you will, "THINK for Yourself and Let Others Do the Same".