Meet Sarah Holmes, author of the book “How to Get Free Groceries” and columnist for the Coupon Corner in the News-Gazette …
…and learn
Techniques Coupon Pros Use
To Get Free Groceries!
Fri., Aug. 12th @ 7pm
Homer Community Library
500 E. 2nd St., Homer Community Library
Sarah began couponing at the age of 12 when Sarah's mother offered to give her half of the amount Sarah saved on her mother's grocery bill. At the age of 16 for a Mother's Day gift she took her mother on a $135 free grocery shopping spree. Using the methods featured on TLC's Extreme Couponing program, Sarah went on her own grocery shopping spree where she bought $400 of groceries for $5. Join us August 12th to learn coupon techniques and perhaps you will soon bring home your own free groceries.
For more information call 896-2121